Fireside with Voxgig for Professional Speakers

Jason St-Cyr

Published On:
Jason St-Cyr
Podcast Host
Richard Roger
Voxgig Founder
Podcast Guest
Jason St-Cyr
Developer Relations Leader at Sitecore

Jason St-Cyr is our guest on this episode of the fireside with voxgig podcast. Jason is the Developer Relations leader at Sitecore, an end-to-end composable digital experience platform, that allows brands to better connect with their customers. Jason gave us an excellent look into what it looks like when a talented DevRel leader is truly supported by their organisation.

Jason’s path is one that is unique to him, but not so unique to DevRels as a group. Starting in software development, he found himself unsatisfied working as an engineering manager. He wanted to get back to independent contribution and had the common DevRel itch of wanting to help people. So when the chance arose for him to make the leap into tech evangelism, he leapt.

He goes into how Sitecore has grown and changed during his time there. He got a front row seat to their evolution as a company. One of the biggest parts of this evolution was the switch from offering all customers a single package of services that would cover any needs, to a system where each individual would be offered a specific set of tools that was more relevant to them. This attention to detail has allowed Sitecore to become something of an industry standard.

He also takes us into his strongest advice for those wishing to embark on their own startup journey: know the problem you are trying to solve! Without having that goal in mind, activating those around you to engage can be a struggle. But with a clear solution in mind, your goal can do all the heavy lifting for you.

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