Fireside with Voxgig for Professional Speakers

Laura Vass

Published On:
Laura Vass
Podcast Host
Richard Roger
Voxgig Founder
Podcast Guest
Laura Vass
Co-Founder of Pronovix and Host of API The Docs
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Awards are often maligned for being more concerned with who you know, rather than what you know. But can developer awards be an outlier in the field? According to Laura Vass, our guest on today's episode, they absolutely can.

Laura is the Co-Founder of Pronovix, an open source developer portal. She is also one of the organisers of the DevPortal awards. She joins us today to chat about setting up and running an industry award, and how her own sensitivities to others has been an asset in navigating different personalities in the space.

As well as all of the above, Laura is the host of the podcast API The Docs, leaving us in awe of how she has had any time to chat to us about her many pursuits.

On Pronovix, she tells us about their start as a self-organising company, before it  had become trendy, and how they are navigating the transition to a more organised structure amid their increased growth.

Reach out to Laura here: out more and listen to previous podcasts here:

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