Welcome To The Voxgig Podcast

We talk to people in the developer community about developer relations, public speaking and community events.

Fireside with

Since 2018, Richard has been chatting to an international and diverse mix of speakers events organisers and software development advocates, mining for nuggets of wisdom.

Below you’ll find our current featured podcast. You can also scroll through our extensive archive. Each new podcast will be paired with a reinforcing podcast from the archive. You can find these suggestions in our accompanying newsletter.

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Carmen Huidobro,
Carmen Huidobro,
We’re back with some brand new episodes! Kicking us off in style is the wonderful Carmen Huidobro. Carmen is the Head of Developer Education at DevCraft Academy, and she’s got some amazing insights into everything from the philosophy of language and learning, to the pros and cons of being a “general
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Philipp Krenn
Philipp Krenn
When it comes to Developer Relations, today’s guest believes the word “developer” comes first in that label for a reason. We’re speaking to Philipp Krenn, Head of DveRel and developer Advocacy at Elastic, and he’s here to chat to us about the work he and his 20 person DevRel team are currently doing
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Tushar Mathur
Tushar Mathur
Today we're talking about bridging the gap between back end development and front end experience. Our guest is Tushar Mathur, and he's the Founder and CEO of Tailcall, an open-source platform for building GraphQL APIs on existing endpoints.
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Jake Ward
Jake Ward
Today we’re speaking to Jake Ward, Co-Founder and CEO of Data Protocol. Data Protocol is a developer engagement and support platform that hosts and produces high quality video content to help companies effectively communicate to developers. 
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Maryrose Lyons
Maryrose Lyons
AI and LLMs specifically have revolutionised the world of marketing. But will the revolution be restricted to the workplace, or should we start preparing our techpocalypse survival bunkers now? Today’s wonderful guest, Maryrose Lyons, doesn't think we’re quite there yet.
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David Tuite
David Tuite
David Tuite is the Founder of Roadie, a Backstage based hosting and services platform that helps developers in large organisations answer basic questions about the software being used within the teams around them.
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Chad Whitacre
Chad Whitacre
Today, we’re chatting with the head of Open Source at Sentry, Chad Whitacre. Everyone knows that once a startup begins to make the move from garage band to stadium tour, they’re going to need some investors. But how do we bridge the gap between them?
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Laura Vass
Laura Vass
Awards are often maligned for being more concerned with who you know, rather than what you know. But can developer awards be an outlier in the field? According to Laura Vass, our guest on today's episode, they absolutely can.
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Ryan Donovan
Ryan Donovan
We’ve got an episode for our writers out there today! Ryan Donovan joins us to discuss his 15 years of experience in technical writing, and just how that experience is serving him in his current role - senior content marketer at Stack Overflow.
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Tun Shwe
Tun Shwe
Today we’re speaking to Tun Shwe. Tun is the VP of data/DevRel at Quix, and he came on to chat to us about Quix’s work creating real time data developer tools and he also gives us an insight as to his experience working at a completely Python focused company.
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Stephanie Prenderville
Stephanie Prenderville
Stephanie Prenderville is here to tell us why and how generative AI is on its way to making us more human than ever.
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Jack Bridger
Jack Bridger
If there’s one thing to take away from this episode of Fireside, it’s this: do the scary thing. The proponent of this message is none other than Jack Bridger, fellow podcast host of ‘Scaling Devtools’.
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Brian Rinaldi
Brian Rinaldi
Building an audience is always a bit of a paradox for DevRels. You have a genuine desire to foster a community, so you begin creating content.
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Jorge Barrachina Gutiérrez
Jorge Barrachina Gutiérrez
Jorge Barrachina Gutiérrez may be an engineer by official title, but he hasn’t let those kinds of labels restrict him in his career, and neither should you. Jorge is our wonderful guest today on the podcast, and we’re delighted to have him in for a chat.
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Christos Gkoros (repeat)
Christos Gkoros (repeat)
Who said building robust, production grade APIs had to be hard? As we hope for all technology, the creation and design of APIs has only become easier and more accessible over time.
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